Article 1:

Yusof Bin Boon & Mohd Musa Bin Shaharuddin 

Fakulti Pendidikan Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 

Abstrak : Kajian ini untuk meninjau Kepemimpinan Guru Besar Dalam Pelaksanaan Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah (PBS). Tujuan kajian untuk mengenal pasti tahap pemahaman,tahap sokongan, tahap masalah dan perbandingan tahap pemahaman serta tahap masalah dari segi jantina dan lokasi sekolah (bandar dan luar bandar) dalam pelaksanaan PBS. Dapatan daripada kajian ini boleh digunakan oleh pihak-pihak tertentu seperti Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia (LPM), Bahagian Pembangunan Kurikulum (BPK), Bahagian Pendidikan Guru (BPG)dan pihak-pihak lain yang teribat secara langsung dalam merancang, merangka dan memeta hala tuju Dasar Pentaksiran Negara serta persediaan menghadapi pelaksanaan Sistem Pentaksiran Pendidikan Kebangsaan Negara (SPPK) menjelang tahun 2011. Responden kajian sebanyak 57 orang yang terdiri daripada Guru Besar semua sekolah aliran kebangsaan di daerah Kota Tinggi, Johor. Data kajian yang diperolehi melalui borang soal selidik dianalisis dengan menggunakan Perisian SPSS 15.0 for Windows. Kaedah statistik deskriptif dan Ujian – t dipilih dalam menganalisis data kajian . Instrumen soal selidik pada nilai Cronbach’s Alpha 0.813 digunakan untuk mengumpul data daripada responden. Dapatan kajian mendapati Guru Besar telah memahami PBS pada tahap tinggi, memberi sokongan dalam pelaksanaan PBS pada tahap tinggi dan menunjukkan tahap permasalahan di peringkat sederhana. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan di antara guru lelaki dengan guru perempuan dan lokasi sekolah dari segi tahap pemahaman dan tahap permasalahan. Kajian ini juga telah mengenal pasti beberapa aspek permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru besar dalam pelaksanaan PBS yang perlu diatasi supaya pelaksanaan PBS memenuhi hasrat yang ditetapkan oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia serta memenuhi aspirasi negara melalui Dasar Pentasiran Negara secara holistik.

Article 2

Rosni Zamuddin Shah Bin Sidek & Siti Fatihah Bt Mohamed Salleh
Fakulti Pendidikan,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia

Abstract: The purpose of this research is to study teachers’ readiness in two secondary schools in Kota Baharu district in implementation of students’ performance evaluation system based on school. The implementation of this system is to produce quality students and to replace the prior system evaluation that is based on examination. The research aspect in this system is consist of five aspects that are students’ personality, co curriculum activity, evaluation based on schools’ examination, Malaysia Examination Board examination and public examination. On the other hand, there is no different readiness between gender among the teachers. Research samples are 60 respondents that are teachers teaching examination class, form three and five. The respondents are chosen because they taught examination class and are able to give opinion on the five research objectives. Research design in a fom of quantitative by using set of questionnaire a research instrument that is consist of two parts; Part A that is four questions of respondents’ demography and Part B consist of 30 questions related to research objectives. The data are analysed using “Statistical Packages for Social Sciences (SPSS) 16.0” to obtained mean and data percentage. The pilot study is carried out on ten teachers to verify reliability of research instrument and the value of research reliability is high, 0.902. Overall, the result of this research shows that the respondents are ready to implement the students’ performance evaluation system based on schools.

Comments: A literature review is a text written by someone to consider the critical points of current knowledge including substantive findings, as well as theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic.
I would like to suggest that the researcher should put this section in his article to support his data 
and comments.
Article 3

Faculty of Education, Universiti Teknologi MARA, 40200 Shah Alam, Malaysia
The Malaysian government has proposed to implement school-based assessment in public schools in the attempt to replace the current public examinations. However, as school-based assessment has yet to be in full swing,relatively little is known about the concerns of the teachers who would directly be involved in the implementation system. This paper presents the findings from a survey on 40 English teachers who are currently teaching in Malaysian public schools. The items in the questionnaire elicited information on the stages of concerns of the respondents’ concern regarding the adoption or implementation of any educational innovation. The constructs are; Indifference, Informational-Personal, Management, Consequence-Collaboration, and Refocusing. It is from these identified constructs that the categories for the questions were built. Findings from the study indicated that the respondents were concern about the innovation and that their concerns were multidimensional regardless of their experience in the innovation. The findings are not only enlightening to the Malaysian English themselves, but also to the professional development trainers in monitoring teachers’ concerns during the process of educational change such as the school-based assessment. Thus, informed decisions could be made while planning for the in-service teacher trainings on school-based assessment. Several implications on the in-service trainings were drawn in order to ensure the smooth-running of the school-based assessment.Future works are suggested on expanding similar research on other educational innovations be carried out.

This study examined the concerns of forty English language teachers teaching in Malaysian public schools on the implementation of school-based assessment. Findings from the study indicated that the respondents were concern about the innovation and that their concerns were multidimensional. In my view, this paper has achieved its purpose;describing the stages of concerns of the respondents‟ regarding the adoption or implementation of an educational innovation–school-based assessment


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This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using ICT (Microsoft Excel) in teaching and learning fractions. The study was conducted at a school in Baram, Sarawak. Action research on quantitative research sample consisted of 35 students at a school in Baram. This study uses ICT as an independent variable and student achievement in post-test as the dependent variable. This study used a brief Microsoft excel program named Fractions pizza to determine the effectiveness in teaching and learning using information communication technology. Data analysis is done using SPSS version 17 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings indicated that the mean score of students in the pre-test was 68.16 while the mean score of students in the post-test is 93.95. T test statistic was significant (t = -4.502; df = 34: p ). This means treatment or Microsoft excel program conducted by the researcher has resulted in improved student achievement. The data obtained have shown that teaching and learning are very effective use of ICT in learning fraction. Overall, the use of ICT contributed in improving teaching and learning in fractions.