
Toh Wah Seng

The purpose of this paper is to argue for the need to address the concern of teachers and teacher educators in relation to the perceived lack of efficacy of the student-centered pedagogy in promoting student learning in schools. Evidence of pedagogical efficacy of the student-centered approach is adduced to debunk the myth that it is inferior to the teacher-centered approach in promoting students’ cognitive achievement. The link between teachers’ pedagogical belief system and students’ learning approach provides a useful framework to argue for the need of a paradigm shift in teachers’ belief system both at the school level as well as at the teacher education level.  


This papar is just to argue for the need to address the concern of teachers and teacher educators in relation to the perceived lack of efficacy of the student-centered pedagogy in promoting student learning in school based on the literature review. And yet, the author did not show and of the methodology and data to support his academic writing.


Charlie Anak Ungang

Jabatan Kajian Sosial


Kajian ini bertujuan melihat sejauh mana bahan bantu mengajar (BBM) membantu pelajar-pelajar pemulihan khas dalam menguasai kemahiran asas bacaan. Kajian juga mengenal pasti tanggapan guru dan pelajar terhadap penggunaan bahan bantu mengajar, masalah yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam penyediaaannya serta keberkesanannya dalam mempertingkatkan pencapaian pelajar-pelajarpemulihan dalam menguasai kemahiran asas bacaan. Responden kajian terdiri daripada 5 orang guru pemulihan dan 15 orang pelajar pemulihan dari 5 buah sekolah rendah di Dearah Serian, Sarawak. Kaedah kajian dijalankan dengan menggunakan soal selidik, temubual dan pemerhatian rekod. Data kajian dianalisis dengan menggunakan statistik deskriptif. Beberapa cadangan dikemukakan kepada guru dan pentadbir untuk mempertingkatkan keberkesanan penggunaan bahan bantu mengajar dalam kelas pendidikan pemulihan seperti menyalurkan peruntukan untuk penyediaan bahan bantu mengajar, mengadakan kursus lanjutan, perlunya sokongan dari ibu-bapa dan masyarakat serta mempertingkatkan kesedaran pihak pengurusan sekolah bahawa pelajar-pelajar pemulihan juga inginkan kemajuan dan peningkatan dalam akademik.

There is no pilot test in this research. I am wonder how the researcher to identify the reliability and validity of the questionnaire. This is because a pilot study can also be the pre-testing or 'trying out' of a particular research instrument.


Koh Lee Ling
Choy Sau Kam
Lai Kim Leong
Khaw Ah Hong
Seah Ai Kuan

Jabatan Matematik

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk meninjau keberkesanan kaedahPembelajaran Koperatif (PK) terhadap sikap dan pencapaian Matematik apabila guru pelatih menggunakan PK dalampengajaran dan pembelajaran matematik semasamenjalankan latihan praktikum. Rekabentuk kajian iniberdasarkan kuasi eksperimen dengan menggunakan ujianpra-ujian pos kepada kumpulan rawatan dan kumpulankawalan. Peserta kajian terdiri daripada 83 orang muridtahun empat dari dua buah sekolah rendah kebangsaan disekitar bandar Kuching. Kumpulan kawalan terdiri daripada 36 orang murid dan kumpulan rawatan terdiri daripada 47orang murid. Ujian sikap dalam bentuk soal selidik dan ujianpencapaian matematik digunakan dalam kajian ini untukmendapatkan data dan dapatan data dianalisis secarakuantitatif. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan kaedah PKberkesan untuk meningkatkan pencapaian matematik tetapi tiada perbezaan yang signifikan dalam sikap murid terhadap matematik antara kumpulan rawatan dan kumpulan kawalan.

I would like to comment that there is no hypothesis alternative in this research. Also, the methodology of this research is so strange in the sense of the researcher did not state the number of respondents clearly. The pre and post results is collected from the 2 teacher trainees in their practicum school.


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TUGASAN 4 (Penulisan Kertas Projek)

Welcome to FU SAI HOE's academic blog


This study aims to examine the effectiveness of using ICT (Microsoft Excel) in teaching and learning fractions. The study was conducted at a school in Baram, Sarawak. Action research on quantitative research sample consisted of 35 students at a school in Baram. This study uses ICT as an independent variable and student achievement in post-test as the dependent variable. This study used a brief Microsoft excel program named Fractions pizza to determine the effectiveness in teaching and learning using information communication technology. Data analysis is done using SPSS version 17 for descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The findings indicated that the mean score of students in the pre-test was 68.16 while the mean score of students in the post-test is 93.95. T test statistic was significant (t = -4.502; df = 34: p ). This means treatment or Microsoft excel program conducted by the researcher has resulted in improved student achievement. The data obtained have shown that teaching and learning are very effective use of ICT in learning fraction. Overall, the use of ICT contributed in improving teaching and learning in fractions.