Artikel ini adalah hasil
penulisan Md. Nor Bakar dan Rashita A. Hadi Fakulti Pendidikan,
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. Kajian di dijalankan bagi mengetahui
tahap pengintegrasian ICT dalam pengajaran dan pembelajaran Matematik di
kalangan guru Matematik. Tiga aspek telah dikaji bagi menjawab
persoalan kajian ini iaitu tahap pengintegrasian ICT di kalangan guru
Matematik, kesesuaian kursus ICT yang ditawarkan oleh pihak sekolah atau
Pejabat Pelajaran Daerah kepada guru Matematik dan faktor-faktor yang
menjadi penghalang kepada pengintegrasian komputer di kalangan guru
According to the journal, the selected title is concise and describe what has been reviewed by the author. The
format of the title is written correctly followed starting with the
head writer for the name of the institution as well as the second
author. Abstract journal written with concise and compact, which is not more than 200 words. Also
in the abstract there is purpose and focus of the research, research
methods and findings or findings and conclusions are also disclosed and
important conclusions of the study.
Chong Chee
Keong, Sharaf Horani & Jacob Daniel
Faculty of
Information Technology
University, 63100 Cyberjaya
Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
The introduction of laptops in the teaching of mathematics
and science in English under the Teaching and Learning of Science and
Mathematics inEnglish Programme (Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Sains dan
Matematik dalam Bahasa Inggeris, PPSMI) has been implemented by the Ministry of
Education since 2003. The preliminary observations found that teachers are not
fully utilising these facilities in their teaching. A survey was conducted to
study the barriers preventing the integration and adoption of information and
communication technology (ICT) in teaching mathematics. Six major barriers were
identified: lack of time in the school schedule for projects involving ICT,
insufficient teacher training opportunities for ICT projects, inadequate
technical support for these projects, lack of knowledge about ways to integrate
ICT to enhance the curriculum, difficulty in integrating and using different
ICT tools in a single lesson and unavailability of resources at home for the
students to access the necessary educational materials. To overcome some of
these barriers, this paper proposes an e-portal for teaching mathematics. The
e-portal consists of two modules: a resource repository and a lesson planner.
The resource repository is a collection of mathematical tools, a question bank
and other resources in digital form that can be used for teaching and learning
mathematics. The lesson planner is a user friendly tool that can integrate
resources from the repository for lesson planning.
This research deployed a survey method to investigate the
use of ICT and the barriers of integrating ICT into the teaching of
mathematics. The strength of this article can
be identified in this study,
all findings presented and were analysed using the SPSS statistical package. The author first
describes the types of values in education to the reader. In addition, each finding is reviewed by the authors as well as providing opinions and suggestions.
Reims, France
While the potential of ICT (Information and Communication
Technologies) to enhance the teaching of mathematics is strongly emphasised,
the integration of
ICT into classrooms seems to be more difficult than
expected. This paper proposes new dimensions of the integration of ICT as part
of an enhanced framework for analysis.
The selection of research studies
about the teacher and ICT strengthens the idea of a difficult integration,
contrasting with researches centred on epistemological or cognitive aspects. I
would like to suggest that the researcher may make clear of the paragraphs.
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